Case Study
The Tweed Tourism Company
In July 2018, DR Tourism was awarded a contract via tender by the Tweed Shire Council (TSC) involving the management of all destination marketing, industry/experience development, and visitor information initiatives for a 4 year period, commencing October 2018. We subsequently set up The Tweed Tourism Company (TTC) - the peak tourism body for the Tweed region - which is led by an in market General Manager and local Team. The DR Tourism team of Danielle Andreuzzi, Robbie Cornelius and Leigh Bennett oversee the organisation as its Executive team.
Key Partnership Considerations
Following a rigorous procurement and probity process the transition plan and start up was challenged by some strong local politics at play, hence stakeholder engagement and rapport building with the major partner (Tweed Shire Council) was a major priority within the first few months of operation. An effective stakeholder engagement plan was designed and implemented, which involved engagement with Council Executive staff and other team members, Councillors, local operators, and local chambers of commerce, and various government departments of all levels. Stakeholder engagement was and continues to be carried out through a variety of workshops, forums, and one on one meetings - both formally and informally.
The Process
Our approach was built on a foundational piece, a Preliminary Strategic Management Plan written by our team, which continues to be reviewed and refined as necessary.
Key Achievements

Lessons Learnt
We are now 6 years into this 8 year contract and have gained profound insights and learnings, including: